<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Cole Marshall - Web Designer and Developer</title> </head> <body> <h1>Cole Marshall</h1> <h2>Web Designer and Developer</h2> <p>I am an interactive designer and developer that specializes in the creation of online media.</p> <h3>Specialties</h3> <ul> <li>frontend web development</li> <li>backend web development</li> <li>cloud DevOps</li> <li>web design</li> <li>user experience design</li> <li>motion graphics</li> <li>type and print design</li> </ul> <p>Do you have an opportunity available that you think would suit me? <a href="mailto:CM@ColeMarshall.net">Send me an e-mail</a> and we'll see if it's a good fit.</p> </body> </html>
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/* Human container */ #humans { font-family: "Homo Sapiens", Arial, sans-serif; box-shadow: 12px 2px 16px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); position: relative; animation-duration: 10s; animation-name: walk; } /* Walk forward */ @keyframes walk { from { left: 0; } to { left: 100px; } } /* Average male height, medium build, and imperfect posture */ #humans .cole { height: 177cm; padding: 1cm; font-style: italic; } /* Hazel eyes and light skin tone */ #humans .cole main { color: #514a3a; background-color: #efdec4; } /* Mouth */ #humans .cole > div { width: 5cm; height: 1cm; color: #ccc8c5; background-color: #9f7879; } /* Smile */ #humans .cole > div:active { border-radius: 0 0 8px 8px; }
// Cole Class class Cole { constructor(initialProfession) { this.nameFirst = "Cole"; this.nameLast = "Marshall"; this.profession = initialProfession; this.skills = [ "Web Design", "Frontend Web Development", "Backend Web Development", "Cloud DevOps", ]; } getFullName() { return this.nameFirst + ' ' + this.nameLast; } getReadableDetails() { let readable = this.getFullName() + " is " + (this.profession.match(/^[aeiou]/i)?"an ":"a ") + this.profession + " who specializes in "; for (let i = 0; i < this.skills.length; i++) { readable += this.skills[i]; if (i === this.skills.length - 2) { readable += (this.skills.length > 2?",":'') + " and "; } else if (i === this.skills.length - 1) { readable += "."; } else { readable += ", "; } } return readable; } } // Instantiate Cole let cole = new Cole("Web Developer & Designer"); // Echo Cole's Profession and Skills console.log(cole.getReadableDetails());
<?php // Cole Class namespace Marshall; class Cole extends Human { const NAME_FIRST = "Cole"; const NAME_LAST = "Marshall"; private string $profession; private array $specialties; function __construct(string $initialProfession = "Web Developer & Designer") { $this->profession = $initialProfession; $this->specialties = [ "HTML", "CSS", "Sass", "JavaScript", "TypeScript", "Vue.js", "jQuery", "cross-browser compatibility", "mobile/responsive design", "search engine optimization", "PHP", "Node.js", "MySQL", "REST", "XML", "JSON", "Git", "automation", "API development", "cloud DevOps", "IaC (Infrastructure as Code)", "unit testing", "Photoshop", "Illustrator", "After Effects", "Graphic Design", "Typography", "User Interface (UI) Design", "User Experience (UX) Design", "Motion Graphics" ]; } public function getFullName():string { return self::NAME_FIRST . ' ' . self::NAME_LAST; } public function getProfession():string { return $this->profession; } public function setProfession(string $newProfession):string { return $this->profession = $newProfession; } public function getSpecialties():array { return $this->specialties; } public function setSpecialties(array $newSpecialties):array { return $this->specialties = $newSpecialties; } public function getReadableDetails():string { $readable = $this->getFullName() . " is " . (preg_match('/^[aeiou]/i',$this->getProfession())?"an ":"a ") . $this->getProfession() . " who specializes in "; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->getSpecialties()); $i++) { $readable .= $this->getSpecialties()[$i]; if ($i == count($this->getSpecialties()) - 2) { $readable .= (count($this->getSpecialties()) > 2?",":'') . " and "; } else if ($i == count($this->getSpecialties()) - 1) { $readable .= "."; } else { $readable .= ", "; } } return $readable; } } // Instantiate Cole $cole = new \Marshall\Cole(); // Echo Cole's Profession and Specialties echo $cole->getReadableDetails();
-- Humans table CREATE TABLE `humans` ( `id` bigint(12) NOT NULL, `name_first` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `name_last` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `sex` enum('male','female','other') NOT NULL, `height` int(3) NOT NULL, `weight` int(3) NOT NULL, `eyes` varchar(3) NOT NULL, `hair` varchar(3) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE `humans` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); ALTER TABLE `humans` MODIFY `id` bigint(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=79692643551; -- Human eye color table CREATE TABLE `humans_eyes` ( `id` varchar(3) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(12) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE `humans_eyes` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- Human hair color table CREATE TABLE `humans_hair` ( `id` varchar(3) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(7) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE `humans_hair` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- Populate human eye colors INSERT INTO `humans_eyes` (`id`, `name`) VALUES ('blk', 'Black'), ('blu', 'Blue'), ('bro', 'Brown'), ('gry', 'Gray'), ('dic', 'Dichromatic'), ('grn', 'Green'), ('haz', 'Hazel'), ('pnk', 'Pink'), ('unk', 'Unknown'); -- Populate human hair colors INSERT INTO `humans_hair` (`id`, `name`) VALUES ('blk', 'Black'), ('bro', 'Brown'), ('bln', 'Blonde'), ('red', 'Red'), ('whi', 'White'), ('gry', 'Gray'), ('bal', 'Bald'), ('sdy', 'Sandy'), ('unk', 'Unknown'); -- Create record for Cole Marshall (the 79,692,643,551st human to be born) INSERT INTO `humans` (`name_last`, `name_first`, `sex`, `height`, `weight`, `eyes`, `hair`) VALUES ('Marshall', 'Cole', 'male', 177, 80, 'haz', 'bro'); -- Retrieve all humans named Cole, including eye color name and hair color name SELECT `humans`.`name_last`, `humans`.`name_first`, `humans_eyes`.`name` `eyes`, `humans_hair`.`name` `hair` FROM `humans` LEFT JOIN `humans_eyes` ON `humans`.`eyes` = `humans_eyes`.`id` LEFT JOIN `humans_hair` ON `humans`.`hair` = `humans_hair`.`id` WHERE `name_first` = 'Cole'
POST /api/cole/properties HTTP/1.1 Host: colemarshall.net Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 52 { "bloodType": { "group": "O", "rhesusFactor": true } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <human> <name> <first>Cole</first> <last>Marshall</last> </name> <measurements> <chest unit="inch" cut="regular">40</chest> <waist unit="inch">34</waist> <outseam unit="inch">40 1/2</outseam> <neck unit="inch">15 3/4</neck> <sleeve unit="inch">35</sleeve> <head unit="inch">7 1/2</head> <shoe unit="inch">10</shoe> <hand unit="inch">8.5</hand> <pupil unit="mm">64</pupil> <height unit="cm">177</height> <weight unit="kg">80</weight> </measurements> </human>
{ "basics": { "name": "Cole Marshall", "label": "Web Designer & Developer", "picture": "https://ColeMarshall.net/images/ColeMarshall.jpg", "email": "CM@ColeMarshall.net", "website": "https://ColeMarshall.net", "location": { "postalCode": "53704", "city": "Madison", "countryCode": "US", "region": "WI" } } }
git clone https://gituniverse.com/virgosupercluster/localgroup-milkyway-orionarm-sol-earth-animals-mammals-primates-humans.git git branch -d cole git checkout cole git commit -m "Specify properties for instantiating Cole object with Human class" git checkout master git merge cole git push --all